Designing for specialty printing techniques

Specialty printing techniques can make your brilliant design work even more impactful. These techniques can be powerful tools for designers but each technique offers its own challenges that must be…

Selecting the Right Stock

Choosing the right paper for your piece can be straightforward but sometimes it gets a little tricky. Paper can tell a lot about your product and your business. It conveys…

Package Design Basics

Research Regardless of if this is your first or hundredth package design, the best place to start is by doing some research. Here are a few key questions to get…

10 Ways to Reduce Your Pre-Press Costs

1. Do it right the first time. A lot of time is wasted when the pre-press department has to search for missing fonts or fix image color modes, this is…

QR Codes

QR Codes look a little like a crossword puzzle. The purpose of these little squares is to direct smart devices to web-based content. By using the camera, the device decodes…

Safely Reducing PDF Size

When creating a PDF for commercial printing purposes we recommend you do not allow your design software to down sample any of the document’s images. This provides you with the…

Introduction and the Color Wheel

Introduction and the Color Wheel Color can be a tricky design element for beginning designers to master. In fact, the process of picking colors to use even has its jaded overtones.…

Types of Color

Types of Color (RGBi, CMYKi, PMS, HSV, HSL, LAB) As designers and artists we are all familiar with RGB and CMYK but do you know what these are? Did you…

What is Rich Black and When to Use It

What is Rich Black and When to Use It We’ve all heard designers talk about rich black but what is it and why should we care? Well it can have…